Nick Jennissen - Game Developer


Office Tag

Tag in an office with your friends!

Project Specifications

My Contributions

My contributions for this project were:
Setting up a multiplayer network using Photon.
Shaders for throwable objects.
Colored nametags for each player.
Making lobby options, for kicking players and adjusting match settings.

  • Photon, Unity and C#

    This project was made with Unity and C#.
    We used Photon networking to make a multiplayer game.

  • Team of Five

    Our team consisted of two artists and three programmers.

    Dev: Pablo Jacobs

    Dev: Aaron Blok

    Artist: Joey van Petegem

    Artist: Surijan Bakker

  • Time

    We had seven weeks for this project.
    the first week was spent on designing the game.
    the second and third week were spent on making a prototype.
    the fourth, fifth, and sixth week were spent on making the game.
    the last week was spent on release and final touches.

Project Links

  • Git Repo
