Nick Jennissen - Game Developer



A planetary four player spaceship shooter
A project where we were limited to only use keyboard controls for a party game, we decided to make a spaceship shooter on random planets.

Project Specifications

My Contributions

My major contributions for this project were:
Making ships and projectiles rotate around a sphere to make it look like you were dogfighting around a planet.
Behaviour of different kind of projectiles. Each battle randomizes each players weapon type.
Customizing your ship before going into battle; changing its colour and picking between two kinds of ships.

  • Unity and C#

    This project was made with Unity and C#

  • Team of Four

    The team consisted of two developers and two artists.

  • Time

    We had eight weeks of development time where each week there was one dedicated day on school to work on this project.

Project Links

  • Git Repo